Firewall or fire-wall is a system or device that allows network traffic that is considered safe for traffic through it and prevent an insecure network. Generally, a wall-fire applied in a dedicated machine, running on the gateway (gateway) between the local network and other networks. Fire-walls are also generally used to control access to anyone who has access to a private network from outside parties. Currently, the term firewall is a common term that refers to the system that regulates communication between two different networks. Can be shown in the picture below
Firewall configuration by using the Rules:
1. Run Winbox and select MAC Address that has been detected, click the Connect button. can be viewed as shown below:
Firewall by using the Filter Rules
2. Select the IP firewall, it will appear as shown below:
3. Select add and On the General tab, Chain, select forward
it will appear like the following picture4.Due to block or divert a Url destinationnya it must be known to determine the Destination Address of a Url with a way to open the New Terminal or can use the Windows Command. Can be seen as shown below
5. Type the ping command and the Url that will be known example ping Destination Address enter. Will display the IP Address.
6. Enter the Url to the Dst IP Address on New Firewall Rule window. As in the picture below:
7. In New Firewall Rule Action window, select Action Accept and then click OK.
8. Open New Terminal or Commond windows. Then ping url and see What Happens?
9. Select the IP firewall
10. Select add and On the General tab, Chain, select forward
it will appear like the following picture:
11. In Winbox menu click new terminal will display a terminal window. Then ping the site to be blocked or for example enter the ping command it will exit the IP Url.
12. Enter the Url to the Dst IP Address on New Firewall Rule. As shown below
13. In New Firewall Rule window select Action and the Action menu select the drop press OK.
14. Common Open windows and then ping a site that blocked earlier. Can it be pinged or not?
15. Open the browser and run the site that you’d block. Does it still can be opened or not?
Divert A Url Url to another.
16. Open a new window by selecting New Firewall IP Firewall Click the Add or signs it will come
out like the following picture:
17. Eg enter the Destination IP Address
IP is the IP of to know the IP by clicking New terminal and type the command ping or by using a common Windows commands to Start Run type cmd and then OK or press Enter. Furthermore, in eg ping ping press Enter it will display the IP Url.
18. In New Firewall Rule Action select jump. At the Jump Target type with IP
IP is the IP to find out the IP network by going to New Terminal or by using the Windows Common type the ping command then press OK
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